by Kevin O'Hara

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that causes stiffness and pain. It is referred to as an idiopathic disease because its cause is unknown. More common among females, scoliosis begins in childhood and affects merely 2 percent of the population. If detected early, scoliosis can be treated to prevent it from worsening.

The word “scoliosis” comes from Greek and means curvature. People with scoliosis have a sideways spinal curve in the shape of an "S" or "C." The vertebrae can rotate at the spine’s thoracic level, causing a curvature that results in a hump near the rib cage. A curve of more than 60 degrees is considered serious. Unlike a healthy spinal curvature, scoliosis causes the waist or shoulders to align unevenly, and adjusting your posture will not correct the problem. I see this Daily at my Arlington Heights Chiropractic Clinic.

In some instances, degenerative spinal diseases such as osteoporosis can cause scoliosis. Usually occurring in older people, osteoporosis softens the bones of the vertebrae, causing them to bend and curve into scoliosis or kyphosis (round back). If these conditions are not treated properly, problems may develop such as severe back pain, deformity, and breathing difficulties.

Chiropractic care helps improve incorrect spinal curvatures by looking at a patient’s overall health, examining the spine, and considering other lifestyle factors. To help identify the problem's cause, O’Hara Family Chiropractic's Dr. O'Hara will discuss your symptoms, previous injuries, family health history as well as recreational and work-related activities.Our Scoliosis exams also include the Adam's Forward Bending Test, which many schools also use in their physical education classes. This requires a person to bend at the waist while the doctor assesses the spinal alignment and looks for any abnormal prominence or hump. Other evaluations include measuring leg length to determine evenness and performing a range-of-motion test to measure the patient’s degree of mobility at the waist. If necessary, we will refer you to a specialist for further scoliosis treatment.

Scoliosis can be treated in various ways to help alleviate pain and restore normal functionality. Possible treatments include an orthopedic brace, which prevents the curve from worsening and does not limit physical activity, and moist heat to alleviate pain. In extreme cases and only after continuous observation shows that a brace is not helping will the doctor suggest a surgical procedure. Spinal fusion and instrumentation is a procedure whereby rods and hooks are surgically inserted to help align the spine and prevent further curvature.

Regular chiropractic visits to determine the progression of scoliosis is an integral part of living a full and happy life. Regardless of the chosen treatment, physical therapy may be added to scoliosis treatment to increase muscle strength and mobility. If you have any questions about your physical limitations, call O’Hara Family Chiropractic in Arlington Heights.

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