Arlington Heights Chiropractor Stiff Neck Pain Solution 

By Kevin O'Hara D.C.


Stiff Neck, Neck pain and hard to turn neck pain all have one thing in common. That is the subluxation of one or more vertebra in your neck. Subluxation is the malposition of the bones of the spine. When the bones become misaligned the body's self fixing mechanism attempts to manage the problem the best way it can. This very often results in decreasing range of motion so you cannot do further damage. Muscle spasm, myospasm, trigger points, stiff tender neck, neck pain when rotating, even shooting, radiating neck pain are the consequence. When a degenerative condition such as osteo arthritis or degenerative disc disease add to the equation, this consequence is more pain and longer treatment. The bulging disc starts the same cascade of effects. Never mind surgery. We can fix the problem without  drugs or surgery! The longer you wait the more damage you do. So as my Father always said “get off the pot”! Maybe it will go away is never going to happen. Any questions call me at the office and ask for Doctor Kevin.

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